
januar 30, 2004

Luna, you have to tell me what you're doing. love.

januar 21, 2004

tomorrow is the army day for me. i guess i will have to keep my objections to the army men about how i don't like army and all. especially french army, all retards. nooooooooo i don't want to go.

on 14 hour flight to Australia. i want Australia now.

reading press...looks like NME but i am not too sure.

januar 12, 2004

"Nothing is important, so people, realising that, should get on with their lives, go mad, take their clothes off, jump in the canal, jump into one of those supermarket trolleys, race around the supermarket and steal Mars bars and, y'know, kiss kittens and sit on the back of bread vans."


januar 08, 2004

i just discovered something, you can still access the Moldy Peaches' website but you have to follow this link :
don't say thanks!

and also, i love the fact that the country of the week has been France for at least 1 month and a half now on Ryan Adams's website!!

and last thing (because my tag board is driving me mad right now and will definitely NOT let me write it) the language on here (and the months therefore) is in Scandinavian (danish, because it's the only one i can figure out a bit, although i know the basis in Icelandic but hmm my languages skills aren't important right now), otherwise the Håkan Hellström link would be fucked up. and just so you know, January in french is Janvier ;)

januar 07, 2004

because she is so purdy :

listening to Death Cab For Cutie, which i enjoy. and Luna, who's Isobel Campbell? i'm curious.

you know what? i must be gettin' old because for me a perfect saturday evening is being at home, listening to music and/or watching TV (if there's anything good) and drawing, with some chocolate cookies near me, and the smell of it being so good i am thinking i am in heaven.

januar 03, 2004

What everyone should listen,it's good for your head ! 

Bad day:R.E.M ; the cat's pyjamas:IsobelCampbell ; Across the universe :The beatles (Let it be...naked) ; mash concrete metal mushroom:Herman Düne ; You are free: Cat Power ; and lots more but that it for the day.Happy New Year ,let's this year be better in everyway for everybody! cos we all deserve the best (right?)

LUNA (soul sis of miss valli)

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