
oktober 31, 2003

sister je suis de retour après cette longue periode de vide sans la petite troupe des sisters......j'éspère te reparler très vite....je trouve cette idée de site génial et je te remercie d'avoir fait çà pour nous....... :) euh si non il faut qu'on se parle j'ai pas mal de trucs à te racconter et puis voilà je te dis à très vite

oktober 30, 2003

hillo the last thing was posted by Luna, i'm working on her name appearing instead of mine. yes, i logged in just to say that, and i'm allowed to...HA.
sister je suis de retour après cette longue periode de vide sans la petite troupe des sisters......j'éspère te reparler très vite....je trouve cette idée de site génial et je te remercie d'avoir fait çà pour nous....... :) euh si non il faut qu'on se parle j'ai pas mal de trucs à te racconter et puis voilà je te dis à très vite.

oktober 29, 2003

i forgot to eat my biscuits when i was in the kitchen and i found myself thinking "what the hell did i come to find?". i'm a dumb dumb haahhh. anyway, listening to Ryan 'So Alive' i want Ryan in the background...someone tells me how to do...my life depends on that. la la la la, i want RYAN. the end.
well hello i'm very bored, i almost want school again, ok but without the exams then. i want biscuits right now too *leaving to go to the kitchen*. hehehe, i smell of coconut...tis the best perfume.
Luna get home now please or i may kill this blog. ohhhh, two things i'm not ashamed to admit : 1) i still like the strokes though it seems the last trend to slag them off 2) i'm seeing them on december. da dum dum dum. i want Luna!!

oktober 28, 2003

just to say, Peaches's shouting on the radio. awww, memories, gigs, sweat, fake blood and sticky pineapple.
Luna hasn't accepted the offer to be a member of this blog yet. i think she isn't at home right now. wow the serious fun and art she's missing....it's unbelievable.

oktober 27, 2003

hiya. just to say this template sucks, but i'll find a way to change it and make this blog look a bit cooler. just for my sister's pleasure and mine too.
i also may be dumb.
hello. just a test.
hello. just a test.

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